Diamonds are one of the highest quality and highly valuable gemstones. Owning diamonds today is quite easy, but to gain a deeper understanding of their quality, it is necessary to rely on many factors. When choosing diamonds, besides value, which many people are interested in, you must also pay attention to the 4C standards - basic diamond valuation. So 4c standard of diamonds What actually is, let's go C Jewelry Diamond Find out through the article shared below.
4C standards of diamonds
4C stands for "color", "carat" (weight), "cut" and "clarity". After all, the 4Cs play an important role in determining the price of diamonds for jewelry on the regular market.
- Color
The color of diamonds is divided into 5 groups from colorless, near colorless, faint, very light to light yellow.
GIA uses Latin alphabetic characters to represent color levels starting with D and ending with Z. This scale is often called "D – Z Color scale".
- Diamond Plate
- Diamond jewelry
Most diamonds found and purchased are classified as colorless diamonds. When grading color quality in colorless diamonds, we see the absence of color. The more transparent a diamond is, the rarer and more valuable it is, and the higher its price. Groupings within color grading do not reflect how diamond prices increase. In general, most people will buy diamonds in the GHI group, if they do not care much about the internal quality of the diamond. This is mainly related to the price of diamonds in this category.
For the most part, you won't see yellow at all in the RECORD group. But if you're interested in having a completely perfect diamond, Saga recommends choosing diamonds in the DEF group. If you are planning to buy diamonds as an investment, Saga recommends choosing D color diamonds. This is what causes diamond prices to increase, but consider the following factors as well. .
SEE MORE : Natural colored diamonds
- Weight (Carat)
Carat refers to the weight of the gem, not its size. When buying diamonds, pay attention to the cut and carat to get the most valuable and beautiful diamond.
Carat is a very important part of diamond pricing because it represents the rarity of a diamond. The majority of diamonds found today are around 1 carat, most diamonds sold as jewelry range between 1 and 2 carats. Larger diamonds become rarer and therefore their price increases. This is especially true for colored diamonds where a 2 carat colored diamond can be comparable to a 10+ carat colorless diamond – so it all depends on the other three Cs. Additionally, diamond value does not increase in proportion to carat size – a 3-carat diamond is not three times the price of a 1-carat diamond.
- How to cut (Cut)
The way a diamond is cut is one of the most important factors, because it greatly affects the beauty of the diamond as well as the diamond's brilliance, symmetry and dispersion.
You won't see diamond cut listed in diamond prices, but it plays an important role in contributing to a diamond's value. When a diamond is mined, we call it a rough diamond. Its shape is very unusual. Diamond cutting machines will then analyze the diamond to come up with the optimal method to cut the diamond to maximize productivity and perfection. That is when the thickness of the underside is formed.
The cut diamonds are then polished to make the facets perfectly consistent and balanced. In general, this grinding process will make the diamond radiant and sparkling. The cut of a diamond determines how light enters the diamond and reflects out. Therefore, this final factor, the diamond's brilliance, determines the value of a particular diamond.
According to GIA, diamond cutting is divided into 5 separate levels from perfect (Excellent), very beautiful (Very good), beautiful (Good), fair (Fair) to poor (Poor). The reason it is so important is because the cutting method will directly affect the brilliance and fire of the diamond.
- Clarity
Purity, also known as clarity, is divided into 5 groups with 11 different levels. Clarity is assessed based on the results under a 10x magnifying glass, the number of scratches, the color and location of the fractures, all of which are used to evaluate diamonds visually. It will often be difficult to see. However, clarity usually does not affect the appearance of a diamond, but to be more certain you should consider buying a diamond grade VS1 or higher.
Diamonds with clarity from I1 to I3 are no longer used to make jewelry, so they are no longer a good choice for those who are "connoisseurs" of diamonds. However, if you are interested in purchasing diamonds as an investment, Saga recommends purchasing a Flawless stone (completely free of internal or external blemishes). Again, consider the next factor.
In addition, sometimes people also evaluate based on the 5C standard: besides the 4C mentioned above, there is also "Cost" (price) or 6C with "Certification" or even "Shape" - Picture Diamond shapes: round, square, rectangular, egg-shaped, etc.